Research Initiatives

Supporting research in New England and around the world

As a leader in healthcare training and study, MCPHS offers programs and supports research that can be a valuable resource for members of the medical community here in New England and around the world.

International Center for Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy

The International Center for Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy (IPEP) was established in 2011 at MCPHS as a research center dedicated to the study of economic, regulatory, and policy aspects of the United States and global pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device sectors. The Center provides technical assistance to the United States and international governments and healthcare organizations. Learn more about the International Center for Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program

The MCPHS University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program provides students with opportunities for mentored learning by working closely with faculty on a scholarly project. In the course of the project, students apply critical thinking skills in formulating significant questions, proposing solutions, testing the proposed solutions, and effectively communicating the outcome of their work to others. Learn more about the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program.