Secure Mobile and Work Area

Secure Your Mobile Devices and Your Work Area Before Leaving Them Unattended

Whenever a laptop or portable device is lost or stolen, the data on that device has also been stolen. The cost of the damage occurring from a lost or stolen device can me much greater than the cost of replacing the device. Loss of data is no longer just paper copies sitting unattended on a desk. However with that said, securing documents in your work area is still your security responsibility.

  • Avoid storing protected or proprietary information or MCPHS on laptops and other mobile devices. Use approved internal storage for protected information.
  • Use approved encrypted thumb drives to store protected information and do save protected information on personal devices.
  • Before leaving your work area, turn off, close the lid of, or lock your computer, put away sensitive documents, and lock up cabinets and other storage spaces.
  • Take portable devices or media with you, or lock them up. All mobile media containing protected information should be encrypted.
  • Use MCPHS Multi-Function Printer with Papercut so you do not leave sensitive documents printed on printers, fax machines, and copiers where someone else can read them.
  • Use MCPHS provided shredding bins or approve shredders to dispose documents that contain protected or proprietary information. Don't discard documents containing protected or prorietary information in public wastebaskets or take them home for disposal.
  • As a general practice, don't leave portable equipment in a vehicle, even if it is locked. In addition to the possibility of theft, heat in a closed vehicle can sometime damage computer equipment. If you absolutely need to make a short stop on the way home or to work, either keep your portable equipment with you or make sure your portable equipment (including bag) is not visible anywhere in your vehicle. Never leave your portable equipment in a vehicle with other exposed high theft value items.
  • Assuming a locked office by itself is adequate for securing protected information is an incorrect assertion. Office access is many times required by individuals that are not authorized to view protected information, such as cleaning personnel.