Student Outcomes

Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography—Echocardiography Fast Track

This two-year program, year-round program—designed for transfer students and bachelor’s degree holders—builds on your previous college studies to extend your expertise into echocardiography and vascular medical imaging.

Student Outcomes

Boston Echocardiography Program Outcomes 

Class of 2021

  • Start Date: Fall 2019
  • Students Enrolled (Start): 9
  • Retention Rate: 88.9% (8/9)
  • Graduation Rate: 100% (8/8)
  • Registry Exam pass Rate: 86% (6/7)*
  • Job Placement Rate: 100% (6/6)

Class of 2022

  • Start Date: Fall 2020
  • Students Enrolled (Start): 9
  • Students in Progress: 7
  • Retention Rate: 77.8% (7/9)
  • Graduation Rate:100% (7/7)
  • Registry Exam pass Rate:100% (6/6)*
  • Job Placement Rate: 100% (6/6)

Class of 2023

  • Start date: Fall 2021
  • Students Enrolled (Start): 9
  • Retention rate: 66.7% (6/9)
  • Graduation rate: 100% (6/6)
  • Registry exam pass rate: 100% (6/6)*
  • Job placement rate: 100% (6/6)

*Based on first attempt