Maria Kostka-Rokosz

Maria Kostka-Rokosz, PharmD, RPh

Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Academic Support


School of Pharmacy


School of Pharmacy

Office Location

White 311




  • Doctor of Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, Boston, Mass., 1995
  • Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, Boston, Mass., 1993
  • Residency:
  • Pharmacy Practice Residency Accredited by the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Montefiore Medical Center - Henry and Lucy Moses Division, Bronx, N.Y., June 1996

Research Interests

  • Drug information resources for handheld electronic devices
  • Use of handheld electronic devices in the curriculum
  • Use of handheld electronic devices in pharmacy practice
  • Drug and herbal information resources (print, electronic and on the Internet)

Featured Affiliations

American College of Clinical Pharmacy

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists


  • Doctor of Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, Boston, Mass., 1995
  • Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, Boston, Mass., 1993
  • Residency:
  • Pharmacy Practice Residency Accredited by the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Montefiore Medical Center - Henry and Lucy Moses Division, Bronx, N.Y., June 1996

Research Interests

  • Drug information resources for handheld electronic devices
  • Use of handheld electronic devices in the curriculum
  • Use of handheld electronic devices in pharmacy practice
  • Drug and herbal information resources (print, electronic and on the Internet)

Affiliated Appointments


Awards and Honors