Health Sciences Field

Build the interdisciplinary scientific foundation you need in the biological and psycho-social aspects of health, disease, and treatment to pursue a wide variety of careers in the healthcare.

Investigate the Many Facets of a Healthcare Career

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, overall employment in the healthcare industry is projected to grow 13 percent from 2021 to 2031—much faster than the average for all occupations. This increase is expected to result in approximately two million new jobs during the decade. In Health Sciences at MCPHS, students work closely with world-class educators to explore and pursue multifaceted career options in this dynamic field.

The Value of a Degree in Health Sciences

Health sciences prepares you for a broad range of healthcare careers.

Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) — Provide and manage health education programs that help individuals, families, and communities maximize and maintain healthy lifestyles.

Health unit or patient care coordinator — Serve as the liaison between patients and healthcare providers and ensure administrative operations run efficiently in a clinical setting such as a hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office.

Healthcare clinical pathways — Complete the pre-requisite requirements to transfer to a range of clinical programs at MCPHS such as acupuncture, dental hygiene, diagnostic medical imaging, nursing, physical therapy, or occupational therapy.

Internships at the World’s Top Hospitals.

This MCPHS Health Sciences major is excited to be doing an internship at the renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
Smiling female student wearing a lanyard.

Stats & Facts



A study by Georgetown University has ranked MCPHS as the third best institution in the U.S. for the economic value it provides for its students


Healthcare programs

MCPHS for healthcare professionals at all points in their careers


College in Boston

MCPHS is the oldest college in Boston

News and Features

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