Gender Identity Policy FAQ

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Frequently Asked Questions

MCPHS aspires to provide equal access and opportunity to individuals of all gender identities and gender expressions. This policy makes explicit the University’s commitment to non-discriminatory programs, activities, and facilities and promotes a respectful community free from discrimination based on gender identity or expression. The University acknowledges that gender identity terms should be used wherever possible, and as such, gender identity will be displayed in systems that allow for that form of identification.

A gender marker represents a person’s gender identity, most commonly in the abbreviations F (female), M (male), or X (non-binary, intersex, or gender non-conforming).

MCPHS students and employees can update their gender identity markers in some MCPHS systems. 

Gender identity marker data is confidential personal information and may only be accessed by a limited number of users within the University. 

Someone’s gender identity marker represents an internal understanding of oneself or a personal sense of one’s own gender, which may differ from the sex assigned at birth. Gender identity is not determined by an individual’s sex assigned at birth. MCPHS supports the right of students, faculty, and staff to change how their gender identity maker is identified in the University’s records whenever possible.

If you are a student, proceed to Self-Service and update your User Profile. Students who are also employees should also follow the instructions for employees. If you are an Employee, proceed to the Payroll website for instructions on making the change in ADP WorkforceNow. Please know that employees have the ability to update ADP; however, the list to select from is limited.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, an honorific is a title or word implying or expressing respect.

Terms like Mr., Miss, Mrs., and Ms. are all honorifics traditionally based on gender or marital status. Gendered honorifics become problematic for individuals who identify as non-binary.

Gender-neutral salutations/honorifics include M. and Mx.